so before i enter another year at PACIFICA highschool♥ as my JUNIOR YEAR♥ i have a wish list to mhm wats that word? over come? i dunno.
1. go to SEAL BEACH
2. go to BUENA PARK MALL and play the arcade andddd buffet♥
3. have a sleep over
4. lose at LEAST 20 pounds before school starts..<-- yooh think i can do it???
5. make a photo album with AT LEAST 100 PHOTOS FROM MEH SUMMER(;
so yea...exciting huh? (cough cough)
well so far i went over to meh fwend shreeya (CANNOT WAIT UNTIL I GET TO SEE YOOH AGAIN!!!!!) we took pix with our fwends gina. nicole, shreeya, meh, and shreeyas lil sis(:
if i ever figure out how to work this website ill post them(:
i would add more to my wish list, but living in CA for 15 (ALMOST 16, YEEEEEPPP) theres not alot to do..
Sounds fun! Personally, I can't wait to see the pictures!